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Conquest of Nerath
War has come to the Dungeons and Dragons world. Heroes of good and champions of evil strike against each other across mountains, seas, forests, ans plains, determined to conquer or die. Terrible monsters rampage across the land, destroying everything in their path. Mighty dragons dominate the skies, laying waste to entire armies with their deadly breath. Bold explorers dare dungeons filled with fearsome guardians and great treasures. Four great realms contend for domination of the known world: mighty empires, leagues of nations or powerful alliances. The Dark Empire of Karkoth dreams of slaking the sinister Chained God with the blood of a dozen lands, but the heroic elves and humans of the Vallin Alliance are determined to extirpate this ancient evil once and for all. The Iron Circle seeks to subjugate the known world beneath the scarlet legions, but the free people of the Nerathan League battle furiously to smash the servants of the infernal.
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