Advanced Squad Leader (asl) : Solitaire ASL

Advanced Squad Leader (asl) : Solitaire ASL



Are you ready for an entirely new ASL adventure?... One where you never know just what the enemy has until it's revealed?... One where either side can receive random reinforcements on almost any turn?... One where you're not even sure if the troops on your side will always obey your order? If so, Solitaire ASL was made for you!

Solitaire ASL has numerous charts and tables for "generating" enemy units, random events, and mapboard configurations. The highly detailed and historically accurate unit activation tables are arranged on various full-color "nationality" cards -- one each for the major (and many of the minor) participants of WWII -- allowing you to recreate nearly every combination of Axis versus Allied ground conflict.

Unknown enemy units are represented on the mapboard by the presence of "Suspect ?" markers -- which, when rolled for "generation", can turn out to be a complete dummy or a very nasty surprise. Furthermore, at the start of each Player Turn, a "random event" can occur, which can bring much-needed reinforcements to your hard-pressed troops -- or spell disaster for them!

Solitaire ASL does not use already-published ASL scenarios. Instead, it includes 21 solitaire-only "missions". Each mission, however, is infinitely replayable. In fact, the board configuration is unlikely to ever be the same, as the actual mapboards used are determined randomly before each mission. The missions run the gamut from offensive to defensive actions, and even include a chance meeting of patrols.

Some of the missions are...

Solitaire ASL also has a highly detailed, fully integrated Campaign Game system. Follow the progress of your historically based infantry company throughout the length of WWII.

Your company's month-to-month OB is determined by your surviving units and any replacements received. Leader promotion, squad Battle Hardening, and weapon replacement (on a historical schedule) are all possible.

This second edition of SASL contains nationality charts, rules, counters, and missions not contained in the first edition.

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