Day Of Days : The Invasion Of Normandy, 1944

Day Of Days : The Invasion Of Normandy, 1944



Day of Days: The Invasion of Normandy 1944, takes on the the first 10 days of the Normandy landings at the company level. The Allied objectives are to land successfully and push far enough off the beaches to guarantee a rapid advance into France. The Axis player needs to either defeat the initial landings or plug them up to create a stalemate.

This game is both massive and extremely playable, giving players a unique appreciation for the issues involved at the beginning of the invasion. The importance of the initial air-drops, the real potential for brutal German counterattacks, and the need to get off the beaches quickly, all these come into sharp focus within the clean and fast-playing framework of the Standard Combat Series. Players can tackle the US landings separately as single-map scenarios, the Commonwealth landings on two maps, and of course there is the Whole Enchilada.

Game Scale:
Turn: 1/2 day turns
Hex: 700 meters
Units: Platoon/Company/Battalion


Game specific scenario/rulebook
SCS 1.7 rules
4 11" x 17" setup charts
4 22" x 34" maps
8 countersheets
2 six-sided dice

List of Scenarios:

Full campaigns:

Full Campaign: 6/6 - 6/15
After D-Day Campaign: 6/7 - 6/15
Mid-Campaign: 6/10 - 6/15


Utah beach (Map A only): 6/6 - 6/15
Utah beach (Map A only): 6/7 - 6/15
Omaha beach (Map B only): 6/6 - 6/15
Omaha beach (Map B only): 6/7 - 6/15
American beaches (Maps A & B ): 6/6 - 6/15
American beaches (Maps A & B ): 6/7 - 6/15
British and Canadian beaches (Maps C & D): 6/6 - 6/15
British and Canadian beaches (Maps C & D): 6/7 - 6/15

Smaller scenarios:

Carentan (part of Map A): 6/10 - 6/14
Cutting off the Contentin (part of Map A): 6/13 - 6/15
Canadaian Crucible (part of Map C ): 6/8 - 6/10
Villers Bocage (Map C): 6/12 - 6/15

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