Soulbound - Artefacts Of Power

Soulbound - Artefacts Of Power



Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound: Artefacts of Power is perfect for those who want to fill their Soulbound games with incredible magical items, adventures about fate-defining artefacts, and terrifying arcane manifestations unlike anything seen before.

Artefacts of Power contains:
Detailed information about realmstone — crystallised magic energy that can be used to craft powerful weapons, armour, and more.
A vast selection of magical weapons, armour, and artefacts, along with methods of randomly generating your own — with thousands of possible combinations!
A collection of Ancient Relics — artefacts so powerful they can change the fate of the realms. Each of which comes with their own thrilling adventure.
Detailed information on the mysterious distance spanning Realmgates, including ways to create and add them to your games.
Rules, player options, and statblocks for hunting Endless Spells — some of the most deadly creatures in the Mortal Realms.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound RPG - Artefacts of Power


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