Soulbound - Champions Of Destruction

Soulbound - Champions Of Destruction



Champions of Destruction allows players to create the most brutally cunning — or cunningly brutal — characters for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound! Become Da Boss, set out across the Mortal Realms in search of a good scrap, and face down the biggest, baddest, creatures in all of the realms! The book features new Destruction aligned Species, new Archetypes, new Talents, tooth splittingly destructive new spells, Miracles and more.

Champions of Destruction contains:
-A head-scratching look at the gods of Destruction, and why they might stop scrappin’ long enough to beat a group of Soulbound into shape.
-Mechanics for wielding the power of the Waaagh!, recruiting a gang of like minded bruisers to join you in your rampage, and becoming Da Boss of your own warband.
-Options to play as brutal Orruks, cunning Kruleboyz, spiteful Hobgrots, diminutive Grots, belching Ogors, and rock-smashing Troggoths, as well as advice on who your character needs to crump to become Soulbound, and dozens of sample Short- and Long- term Goals.
-Over 20 new Destruction-aligned Archetypes, such as the Squig-riding Boingrot Bounder, Waaagh! blasting Weirdnob Shaman, flame-belching Ogor Firebelly, wicked Kruleboy Gutrippa and many more.
-Over 50 cunning and brutal Talents, 60 powerful Miracles from the Gods of Destruction, and 70 spells all drawn from bizzare Lores of Magic wielded by Grots, Orruks, and Ogors.
-Dozens of new pieces of equipment and artefacts to get your mitts on, and swing at your enemies.
-Over 25 new Endeavours for Destruction characters to undertake between adventures, such as squaring off against Da Boss, capering under the Bad Moon, or beating armour into shape with your bare fists.
-Advice for Gamemasters and players on running Destruction-focused campaigns, as well as statistics for a gibbering mountain of Squigs, Grots, Gnoblars and other minions and mounts to beat down or boss around.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Champions of Destruction


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