Let's Go To Japan Day Trip

Let's Go To Japan Day Trip





10 €


Let's Go! To Japan: Day Trip allows players to visit cities one of 10 other cities in Japan outside of Tokyo and Kyoto. Will you eat amazing street food in Osaka, visit the castle ruins of Fukuoka, or will you feed the bowing deer of Nara?

The Day Trip expansion adds 12 Day Trip cards which give players additional goals allowing for even more strategic decisions and adds Sunday to the game. Players can freely move Sunday between the start and end of their vacation.

It’s difficult to see all the cities you want to go to in a single trip. Sometimes taking a day trip can be an amazing way to see a nearby city without complicating your itinerary. Let’s Go! To Japan: Day Trip allows players to visit one of 10 other cities in Japan. Will you eat amazing street food in Osaka, visit the Castle ruins of Fukuoka, or will you feed the bowing deer of Nara?

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